Plastic pollution cycle.

Plastic Pollution and Climate Impacts on Wildlife and You in Montana

We are meeting both on Zoom and in person at The Unitarian Fellowship Hall at 2032 Central Av, Billlings, MT.

Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 893 2599 8015 Passcode: 224

An overview of how every stage of plastics causes health and environmental justice harm to humans and wildlife and the ecosystems that sustain all of us and a look at how we can work together to reduce the toxic overproduction of single-use plastics.

The physical and chemical components of plastics contaminate our water, air, soil, and the bodies of life forms on Earth. We’ve found plastics in beer, salt, earthworms, apples, and lettuce. And in placentas and deep in the lungs of living humans. Plastics pollute and contribute to climate change at every stage including how plastics are made, used, and disposed of. The so-called life cycle of plastics creates a long-lasting legacy of damage to the health of the earth’s biological systems. It is important to stop the toxic overproduction of single-use plastics and stop greenwashing and false solutions. We can’t recycle our way out of this problem. Incineration and methods such as waste-to-fuel and chemical recycling are not the answer. We need to support a regenerative circular economy and actions to stop the harm and injustice at every stage of plastic pollution.

About Youpa Stein

Youpa is an artist and concerned citizen who works to raise awareness about plastic pollution and the related health and environmental justice harm caused by plastics through giving talks, writing, creating art, and policy work for solutions. Her belief in the rights of nature fundamentally shapes her work. Youpa was born in Montana. She volunteers for the Beyond Plastics Speakers Bureau and is a volunteer Co-Chair of the Families for a Livable Climate Plastics Working Group. Youpa agrees with writer, farmer, and activist, Wendell Berry, in his belief that the care of the earth is our most ancient and worthiest responsibility.

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